
Zakład Bioetyki


Dr n. hum.

Anna Alichniewicz


Pracownicy naukowi

Dr hab. n. hum., prof. UMED

Monika Michałowska


Dr n. hum.

Piotr Sękowski


Dr n. hum.

Joanna Turek


The Department of Bioethics (DB) teaches courses in medical ethics, ethics, philosophy and the philosophy of medicine as part of all the programmes offered by the Faculties of the Medical University of Lodz, its International Doctoral School and postgraduate schemes. Besides its educational work, the Department is also involved in robust research and carries out research projects funded by external agencies (e.g. National Science Centre Poland, the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the Foundation for Polish Science and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education).

The DP staff do research in the philosophy and ethics of the beginning and end of human life, the philosophy of the body, human enhancement, trans- and posthumanism, the philosophy of medicine and psychiatry, the philosophy of justice, late mediaeval philosophy and ethics, the philosophy of biology, and argumentation theory in ethics. 

The DB staff have organised and co-organised numerous nationwide and international conferences.

The DB staff sit on a range of ethics and bioethics committees, are members of international scientific societies and are dedicated to networking, collaborating with Polish and international research hubs, such as the University of Warsaw, Maynooth University, the University of
Vienna, and Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna. 

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