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article cover - 495
20 November 2024
International conference At the Intersections of Willing, Thinking, and Sensing – Late Medieval Concepts of the Human
International conference “At the Intersections of Willing, Thinking, and Sensing – Late Medieval Concepts of the Human” organized by UMED,…
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article cover - 482
20 November 2024
Wider research context: The robust development of logic and physics at the University of Oxford in the 1330s is known…
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article cover - 338
23 February 2024
Zakład Bioetyki zaprasza na…
20-21 czerwiec 2024: The Will-Discourse in the Late Middle Ages, Łódź
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article cover - 326
23 February 2024
Minione konferencje
23-24 marzec 2023: What Can the Will Do, Łódź 10-11 marzec 2022: The Oxford Calculators and Their Milieu on Ethics,…
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article cover - 189
28 February 2019
Łódzkie Warsztaty Psychogeriatryczne
XVIII Łódzkie Warsztaty Psychogeriatryczne odbędą się w dniach 1 i 2 marca 2019 roku. Tytuł przewodni tej edycji: NOWE OPCJE…
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